Monday, February 12, 2007

I don't think the lead blogger posted anything yet, so I will go ahead and post a blog. I am going to talk about Briar Rose. At first I wasn't too interested in reading the book, it didn't really catch my interest or attention right away. But once I read on I understood how the book was laid out by switching off talking about the past and the present. I like how the chapters switch off from the past where the grandmother is telling the story to her grandchildren, to the present where Becca is trying to figure out where her grandmother's castle is and any other mysteries about her life. It flows really well and makes you want to keep reading. I didn't want to put the book down since I wanted to figure out the ending, since every chapter is a clue that gets Becca closer to figuring out more about her grandma's life. Before Gemma dies, she says to Becca, " Promise me you will find the castle. Promise me you will find the prince. Promise me you will find the maker of the spells." (16) I wonder if Becca will really find all those. It is interesting Gemma never gave her any clues, but just left behind a box for her to figure it out. So I am excited to read the rest of the book and figure out if Becca does find the castle and see what else she figures out about her grandmother's past.


Nicole said...

I agree i really enjoyed reading Briar Rose. The story is so interesting. I finished the book and the ending is good. I won't talk about it since not everyone has finished it. I like what you were talking about the chapters whiching back and forth from past to present. I like the way the story flows. I like the fact that Becca has to solve the mystery without any real help to get her started, just her promise to her grandmother to keep her going. The book is very good.

Anonymous said...

I am very sorry, I was the lead blogger and it slipped my mind to post. I am very sorry and thank-you to those who took the time to post. I have to agree with your post. I wasn't very interested in reading the book primarily because my sisters were not really familiar with it as much as some of the others. I figured if they weren't very excited over it I won't be. I find reading to be very difficult for when I find a book that flows I do tend to read on. I like books that keep me wondering. So far this book has been a very easy read. I like that this book has the girl striving for something and also learns something new. It reminds me of my life and how I strive to find that castle.